Browsing: OpenAI

Research Published 19 July 2024 Exploring AGI, the challenges of scaling and the future of multimodal generative AINext week the artificial intelligence (AI) community will come…

How summits in Seoul, France and beyond can galvanize international cooperation on frontier AI safetyLast year, the UK Government hosted the first major global Summit on…

Our approach to analyzing and mitigating future risks posed by advanced AI modelsGoogle DeepMind has consistently pushed the boundaries of AI, developing models that have transformed…

1.5 Flash excels at summarization, chat applications, image and video captioning, data extraction from long documents and tables, and more. This is because it’s been trained…

Research Published 3 May 2024 Developing next-gen AI agents, exploring new modalities, and pioneering foundational learningNext week, AI researchers from around the globe will converge at…